Thursday, June 16, 2011

A lot to say about nothing.

Ok, so I've done it! Joined the Blog bandwagon. I enjoy reading blogs so much and I think that I am one of the most interesting people in the world and love to hear my own thoughts. So here it is, but I must warn any of you who read this. It will be filled with a lot of mindless chatter, pointless information, and silliness. 

So first off, I might as well explain the title of my blog. I happen to be a very "selective eater" (picky, finicky, powerful taste buds,  whatever you want to call it) 

Hating pickles happens to be one of my favorite past times. I hate them with so much passion. I can't explain why, just something about a vegetable left to ferment in vinegar doesn't appeal to me. Especially when it is placed on hot food like a hamburger! GROSS.

There are many foods that I don't agree with. For example; Turkey, cantaloupe, rootbeer floats, cooked pineapple, cooked peppers, and a bunch of other stuff I can't make up my mind if I like it or not.
I promise I won't always be negative and rant about what I don't like, but this is what's on my mind right now. 
Ta ta.


  1. You and Alison are the only people I know who don't like root beer floats. They're delicious! Maybe you should try them again. ;)

    (this is your cousin Rachel, BTW)

  2. WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ABOUT THIS?! I'm so excited. And I'll eat your pickles. Sorry about that one time I shattered a jar of them on the kitchen floor. I miss living with you. I'm sooooooooo happy you're blogging!

  3. I'll eat everything you disagree with!
    so excited for this little blog venture!

  4. Right now you and Alison have way more in common than any of us would have ever guessed! Same dislike for several foods and counting. Love your blog and your thoughts are always entertaining! Love you girlie!

  5. Welcome to the blog world... here via Janetha! :)

  6. I'll eat your pickles.

    welcome to blogging!

    - Kristina @

  7. Janetha recommended I stop by and I'm glad I did! Pointless ramblings are the key to being a good blogger- welcome!

    I'll just make ONE suggestion as you are in your infancy stage- actually, you are zygote plus right now. So do this: SWITCH TO WORDPRESS! Do this now before you get more readers. I wished I did it in my early days but if I switch now, I'll lose a lot of my subscribers. Ask Janetha- she'll tell you!!

    GOod luck!

  8. Welcome to the blog world :D

    I don't like rootbeer floats either!

  9. I'll fight you on the cooked pineapple but am SOOOO with you on rootbeer floats and cantaloupe... bleh!

  10. My children are obsessed with root beer floats and pickles. They will come egg your house in about eight years. Be ready.

    Mama Pea

  11. Haha this is fun, thanks for your comments :)

  12. oh yeah rootbeer floats are terrible. Don't even get me started on cantaloupe...

  13. You also hate fritos and corn nuts. You used to cry on road trips if you could smell them. Personally, I feel pickles are fantastic. I eat several a week right now. Love you sissy!
